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A registry for Dravet syndrome: The Italian experience

Abstract Objectives: We describe the Residras registry, dedicated to Dravet syndrome (DS) and to other phenotypes related to SCN1A mutations, as a paradigm of reg- istry for rare and complex epilepsies. Our primary objectives are to present the tools and framework of the integrative platform, the main characteristics emerg- ing from the patient cohort included in the registry, with emphasis on demo- graphic, clinical outcome, and mortality. Methods: Standardized data of enrolled pediatric and adult patients were col- lected in 24 Italian expert centers and regularly updated at least on a yearly basis. Patients were prospectively enrolled, at registry starting, but historical retrospec- tive data were also included. Results: At present, 281 individuals with DS and a confirmed SCN1A mutation are included. Most patients have data available on epilepsy (n = 263) and their overall neurological condition (n = 255), based on at least one follow-up update. Median age at first clinical assessment was 2years (IQR 0–9) while at last fol- low-up was 11 years (IQR 5–18.5). During the 7-year activity of the registry, five patients died resulting in a mortality rate of 1.84 per 1000-person-years. When analyzing clinical changes over the first 5-year follow-up, we observed a signifi- cant difference in cognitive function (P < 0.001), an increased prevalence of be- havioral disorders including attention deficit (P < 0.001), a significant worsening of language (P = 0.001), and intellectual disability (P < 0.001). Significance: The Residras registry represents a large collection of standardized national data for the DS population. The registry platform relies on a shareable and interoperable framework, which promotes multicenter high-quality data col- lection. In the future, such integrated platform may represent an invaluable asset for easing access to cohorts of patients that may benefit from clinical trials with emerging novel therapies, for drug safety monitoring, and for delineating natural history. Its framework makes it improvable based on growing experience with its use and easily adaptable to other rare and complex epilepsy syndromes.

Siamo diventati Chapter IBE International Bureau for Epilepsy (istituito nel 1961 come organizzazione di laici e professionisti interessati agli aspetti medici e non medici dell'epilessia).

Noi di Dravet Italia Onlus, da sempre crediamo nell'importanza di fare network, di unirsi per avere maggior opportunità di disseminazione, di sensibilizzazione, di arrivare a più persone!

IBE da molti anni affronta problemi sociali e lavora per sensibilizzare l'idea dell'epilessia.


Riconosciuta come personalità giuridica con provvedimento della Giunta Regionale del Veneto del 09.12.2015 n° 815.

Convenzionata con l’AOUI di Verona Prot. 1306 del 12/01/2021. Approvata con Delibera nr. 1392 del 30/12/2020

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